Benjamin Hou, “High-Fidelity Diabetic Retina Fundus Image Synthesis from Freestyle Lesion Maps”, Biomed. Opt. Express, 14(2):533–549, Feb 2023
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Manas K. Nag, Jianfei Liu, Seung-Yeon Shin, Benjamin Hou, Liangchen Liu, Jung-Min Lee, and Ronald M. Summers, “Improved Ascites Segmentation with Bladder Identification using Anatomical Location Residual (ALR) U-Net”, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2023
Benjamin Hou, Manas K. Nag, Jung-Min Lee, Christopher Koh, and Ronald M. Summers, “Segmentation of Ascites on Abdominal CT Scans for the Assessment of Ovarian Cancer”, MedNeurIPS Workshop, 2022
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Luca Schmidtke, Benjamin Hou, Athanasios Vlontzos, and Bernhard Kainz, “Self-supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation in Static Video via Neural Rendering”, CV4Metaverse Workshop @ ECCV, 2022
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Hannah M. Schlüter, Jeremy Tan, Benjamin Hou, and Bernhard Kainz, “Natural Synthetic Anomalies for Self-supervised Anomaly Detection and Localization”, In ECCV (31), volume 13691 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 474–489. Springer, 2022
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Jeremy Tan, Benjamin Hou, James Batten, Huaqi Qiu, and Bernhard Kainz, “Detecting Outliers with Foreign Patch Interpolation”, Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging, 1, 2022
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David Zimmerer, Peter M. Full, Fabian Isensee, Paul Jäger, Tim Adler, Jens Petersen, Gregor Köhler, Tobias Roß, Annika Reinke, Antanas Kascenas, Bjørn Sand Jensen, Alison Q. O’Neil, Jeremy Tan, Benjamin Hou, James Batten, Huaqi Qiu, Bernhard Kainz, Nina Shvetsova, Irina Fedulova, Dmitry V. Dylov, Baolun Yu, Jianyang Zhai, Jingtao Hu, Runxuan Si, Sihang Zhou, Siqi Wang, Xinyang Li, Xuerun Chen, Yang Zhao, Sergio Naval Marimont, Giacomo Tarroni, Victor Saase, Lena Maier-Hein, and Klaus H. Maier-Hein, “MOOD 2020: A Public Benchmark for Out-of-Distribution Detection and Localization on Medical Images”, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 41(10):2728–2738, 2022
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Benjamin Hou, Georgios Kaissis, Ronald M. Summers, and Bernhard Kainz, “RATCHET: Medical Transformer for Chest X-ray Diagnosis and Reporting”, In MICCAI (7), volume 12907 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 293–303. Springer, 2021
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Jeremy Tan, Turkay Kart, Benjamin Hou, James Batten, and Bernhard Kainz, “Metadetector: Detecting Outliers by Learning to Learn from Self-supervision”, In MIDOG/MOOD/Learn2Reg@MICCAI, volume 13166 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 119–126. Springer, 2021
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Jeremy Tan, Benjamin Hou, Thomas Day, John M. Simpson, Daniel Rueckert, and Bernhard Kainz, “Detecting Outliers with Poisson Image Interpolation”, In MICCAI (5), volume 12905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 581–591. Springer, 2021
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Hadrien Reynaud, Athanasios Vlontzos, Benjamin Hou, Arian Beqiri, Paul Leeson, and Bernhard Kainz, “Ultrasound Video Transformers for Cardiac Ejection Fraction Estimation”, In MICCAI (6), volume 12906 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 495–505. Springer, 2021
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Joon-Ho Son, Amir Alansary, Daniel Rueckert, Bernhard Kainz, and Benjamin Hou, “Synthesis of Diabetic Retina Fundus Images using Semantic Label Generation”, In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning. Lübeck, 2021
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Athanasios Vlontzos, Samuel Budd, Benjamin Hou, Daniel Rueckert, and Bernhard Kainz, “3D Probabilistic Segmentation and Volumetry from 2D Projection Images”, In TIA@MICCAI, volume 12502 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 48–57. Springer, 2020
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Nina Miolane, Nicolas Guigui, Alice Le Brigant, Johan Mathe, Benjamin Hou, Yann Thanwerdas, Stefan Heyder, Olivier Peltre, Niklas Koep, Hadi Zaatiti, Hatem Hajri, Yann Cabanes, Thomas Gerald, Paul Chauchat, Christian Shewmake, Daniel Brooks, Bernhard Kainz, Claire Donnat, Susan Holmes, and Xavier Pennec, “Geomstats: A Python Package for Riemannian Geometry in Machine Learning”, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(223):1–9, 2020
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Nina Miolane, Nicolas Guigui, Hadi Zaatiti, Christian Shewmake, Hatem Hajri, Daniel Brooks, Alice Le Brigant, Johan Mathe, Benjamin Hou, Yann Thanwerdas, Stefan Heyder, Olivier Peltre, Niklas Koep, Yann Cabanes, Thomas Gerald, Paul Chauchat, Bernhard Kainz, Claire Donnat, Susan Holmes, and Xavier Pennec, “Introduction to Geometric Learning in Python with Geomstats”, In Meghann Agarwal, Chris Calloway, Dillon Niederhut, and David Shupe, editors, SciPy 2020 - 19th Python in Science Conference, pages 48–57, Austin, Texas, United States, July 2020
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Benjamin Hou, Athanasios Vlontzos, Amir Alansary, Daniel Rueckert, and Bernhard Kainz, “Flexible Conditional Image Generation of Missing Data with Learned Mental Maps”, In MLMIR@MICCAI, volume 11905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 139–150. Springer, 2019
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Huaqi Qiu, Chen Qin, Loïc Le Folgoc, Benjamin Hou, Jo Schlemper, and Daniel Rueckert, “Deep Learning for Cardiac Motion Estimation: Supervised vs. Unsupervised Training”, In STACOM@MICCAI, volume 12009 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 186–194. Springer, 2019
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Amir Alansary, Ozan Oktay, Yuanwei Li, Loïc Le Folgoc, Benjamin Hou, Ghislain Vaillant, Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Athanasios Vlontzos, Ben Glocker, Bernhard Kainz, and Daniel Rueckert, “Evaluating Reinforcement Learning Agents for Anatomical Landmark Detection”, Medical Image Anal., 53:156–164, 2019
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Qingjie Meng, James Housden, Jacqueline Matthew, Daniel Rueckert, Julia A. Schnabel, Bernhard Kainz, Matthew Sinclair, Veronika A. Zimmer, Benjamin Hou, Martin Rajchl, Nicolas Toussaint, Ozan Oktay, Jo Schlemper, and Alberto Gómez, “Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in Fetal Ultrasound Imaging”, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 38(12):2755–2767, 2019
Paper | arXiv | BibTeX
Amir Alansary, Ozan Oktay, Yuanwei Li, Loic Le Folgoc, Benjamin Hou, Ghislain Vaillant, Ben Glocker, Bernhard Kainz, and Daniel Rueckert, “Evaluating Reinforcement Learning Agents for Anatomical Landmark Detection”, In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning. Amsterdam, 2018
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Benjamin Hou, Nina Miolane, Bishesh Khanal, Matthew C. H. Lee, Amir Alansary, Steven G. McDonagh, Joseph V. Hajnal, Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker, and Bernhard Kainz, “Computing CNN Loss and Gradients for Pose Estimation with Riemannian Geometry”, In MICCAI (1), volume 11070 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 756–764. Springer, 2018
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Yuanwei Li, Bishesh Khanal, Benjamin Hou, Amir Alansary, Juan J. Cerrolaza, Matthew Sinclair, Jacqueline Matthew, Chandni Gupta, Caroline L. Knight, Bernhard Kainz, and Daniel Rueckert, “Standard Plane Detection in 3D Fetal Ultrasound using an Iterative Transformation Network”, In MICCAI (1), volume 11070 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 392–400. Springer, 2018
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Benjamin Hou, Bishesh Khanal, Amir Alansary, Steven G. McDonagh, Alice Davidson, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal, Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker, and Bernhard Kainz, “3D Reconstruction in Canonical Co-ordinate Space from Arbitrarily Oriented 2D Images”, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 37(8):1737–1750, 2018
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Amir Alansary, Loïc Le Folgoc, Ghislain Vaillant, Ozan Oktay, Yuanwei Li, Wenjia Bai, Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach, Ricardo Guerrero, Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Benjamin Hou, Steven G. McDonagh, Ben Glocker, Bernhard Kainz, and Daniel Rueckert, “Automatic View Planning with Multi-scale Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents”, In MICCAI (1), volume 11070 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 277–285. Springer, 2018
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Qingjie Meng, Christian F. Baumgartner, Matthew Sinclair, James Housden, Martin Rajchl, Alberto Gómez, Benjamin Hou, Nicolas Toussaint, Veronika A. M. Zimmer, Jeremy Tan, Jacqueline Matthew, Daniel Rueckert, Julia A. Schnabel, and Bernhard Kainz, “Automatic Shadow Detection in 2D Ultrasound Images”, In DATRA/PIPPI@MICCAI, volume 11076 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 66–75. Springer, 2018
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Bishesh Khanal, Alberto Gómez, Nicolas Toussaint, Steven G. McDonagh, Veronika A. M. Zimmer, Emily Skelton, Jacqueline Matthew, Daniel Grzech, Robert Wright, Chandni Gupta, Benjamin Hou, Daniel Rueckert, Julia A. Schnabel, and Bernhard Kainz, “Echofusion: Tracking and Reconstruction of Objects in 4D Freehand Ultrasound Imaging without External Trackers”, In DATRA/PIPPI@MICCAI, volume 11076 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 117–127. Springer, 2018
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Benjamin Hou, Amir Alansary, Steven G. McDonagh, Alice Davidson, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal, Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker, and Bernhard Kainz, “Predicting Slice-to-Volume Transformation in Presence of Arbitrary Subject Motion”, In MICCAI (2), volume 10434 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 296–304. Springer, 2017
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Steven G. McDonagh, Benjamin Hou, Amir Alansary, Ozan Oktay, Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal, and Bernhard Kainz, “Context-sensitive Super-resolution for Fast Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, In CMMI/RAMBO/SWITCH@MICCAI, volume 10555 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 116–126. Springer, 2017
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Khalid B. Mirza, Claudio Zuliani, Benjamin Hou, Fu Siong Ng, Nicholas S. Peters, and Christofer Toumazou, “Injection Moulded Microneedle Sensor for Real-time Wireless pH Monitoring”, In EMBC, pages 189–192. IEEE, 2017
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